We had a busy month for our Fighters in Golden Glory, first we had our kids and youth in first two weeks of October competing in West Coast Canada, then Davie Kittel, and our big boy Cameron D. Carr competing. Thank you Dave Nolan for awesome help, and big thanks to Kur Paul Minhas for making our team unbelievable!
I am so proud of all of my students who competed in October and gave their best. They made another glory day for Golden Glory Martial Arts! We won Big Gold medal in BJJ, 1 gold and 3 bronze in fighting and 1 silver and one bronze in form. One of our other fighters won a Gold medal in B.C Taekwondo. WOW I am so proud of all of you: Cameron D. Carr, Justin Eng, Amanda Eng, Scot, Trevor, Gabril, and Matteo you did an amazing job. Ous!